Sunday, November 22, 2009

my blood escapes me in a waxy mess
to become the candles that I see by
it is a perfect kind of pain
an anger set in sanitized tubes
here is the experimentation
hit or miss in guess and check
I will be the blinded shattered horrid
when the pulsing of my cells
is lessened by your lips
so that it ceases to be a question
of the skin set loose from my teeth
and becomes a question
of the safety in my veins
I will find the answer to breath
in your quiet desperation
the silence changes the course of things
and a shoulder is bared
to break the light
it is harsh and cold as metal against flesh
like a paper cut
to the bloodied pieces of everything
I am no longer able to see straight
and waxed blood swallows and defines my experience.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

rounded bite marks break the lips of reason
I suppose I see the logic
in life [a break from death]
in death
[a break from life]
the edges are soft and I'm on the verge
in this padded cell of mine
today I'm imagining car wrecks
feeling glass shatter in my straight jacket
I'm on tiptoe
syringe to skin and muscle to trigger
and I find that I am an observer
noticer of the little things
participant through the looking glass
taking notes to live, to breathe, to break
you know the reality set 
by the patterns in my heartbeats
the despair chewing my veins
please, for my sake hold me down
as the writhing of my cells 
breeds disgusting logic
I swear that life
is just [a break from death...]